Facility Services

Based on choice, an individual can decide what level of day services they want to participate in.  Twin Rivers offers several alternatives for all adult ages and disability.

Day Services

Day services offers age and culturally appropriate functional training opportunities for individuals in community outings.  The program is designed to enhance integration and inclusion into the communities in which an individual lives and allows them to interact with and form friendships and social networks with others who are not disabled.  Activities are based upon choice and are provided in small groups.

Twin Rivers offers a variety of activities and opportunities for individuals.  Among these are horseback riding, bowling, shopping, fishing, banking, crafts, trips to the Chaplin Nature Center, Wichita Zoo, Exploration Place, volunteering for the Isle of Lights and many more.

Man, smiling, standing in a pumpkin patch holding a pumpkin

Work Activity

Consumers working as part of the vocational training program

Work activity is an area where individuals have opportunities to sample and experience competitive jobs.  Persons served receive training on job readiness, attention to task, job safety and appropriate work behaviors.  The vocational training programs enable individuals to improve their skills, social independence and earn an income.

The vocational training programs include contract work for area businesses and janitorial training.  Twin Rivers also operates a screen printing business that puts silk screening on clothing items.  Individuals earn wages for all jobs performed.

Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has contained provisions to employ workers with disabilities at subminimum wages since it was enacted in 1938.  A subminimum wage is a wage paid a worker with a disability that is commensurate with that worker’s individual productivity as compared to the wage and productivity of experienced workers who do not have disabilities performing essentially the same type, quality, and quantity of work in the vicinity where the worker with a disability is employed.  The commensurate wage is always a subminimum wage (i.e. a wage below that required by section 6(a) or below the rate required by the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (SCA) wage determination, where applicable).

Document Destruction

All businesses have occasion to discard confidential data. Customer lists, price lists, sales statistics, drafts of bids and correspondence, and even memos, contain information about business activity which would interest any competitor. Every business is also entrusted with information that must be kept private. Employees and customers have the legal right to have this data protected. Without proper safeguards, information ends up in the dumpster where it is readily, and legally, available to anybody. Business espionage professionals consider the trash the single most available source of competitive and private information from the average business. Any establishment that discards private and proprietary data without the benefit of destruction exposes itself to the risk of criminal and civil prosecution, as well as the costly loss of business.

Shreded Documents

What Can We Shred?

Contact the Coordinator of Facility Services for more information.

Print Shop

In an effort to increase efficiency and expand partnerships Twin Rivers Developmental Supports, have partnered with USD 470 and USD 465, to establish a joint document processing and print center.  The new document and print center is organized into two separate areas–purple for Arkansas City and blue for Winfield.  Each area contains a high capacity black/white copier purchased by each district.

For most printing jobs, school district employees will send electronic files to the print center and Twin Rivers consumers, with staff assistance, will complete the printing task.  It will then be delivered to the appropriate school location.

Note:  This is a partnership with USD 470 and USD 465We do not make copies and/or printing material for other business and/or individuals.

Primary: Man stapling papers together, Secondary: large printer and woman watching, Background: Ark City Bulldogs logo painted on the wall

Screen Printing

Arkalalah t-shirt screen printed at Twin Rivers

We are able to silk screen up to six colors on all types of items:  T-shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, etc.  We are also able to print on long sleeves and pant legs.

If you are interested in our services please give us a call, we would be happy to discuss a project with you.


Various types of transportation are available for specific needs including Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) approved and inspected vehicles.  Transportation is provided for individuals in our Facility Services and Residential Services.

General Public Transportation is also provided Sunday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with 24 hour notice.  The cost is:

Seats in a bus

For more information contact us during normal business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Coordinator of Facility Services

Headshot of Samantha Williams, Coordinator of Facility Services