
Every agency providing quality I/DD services in Cowley County must contract (affiliate) with Cowley County CDDO Department, which is the Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) for Cowley County.  The affiliation process is part of the process that allows an entity to access Medicaid and or state funds when providing I/DD services/supports.  There are 27 CDDOs in Kansas, each of which has a specific service area.  The Kansas Developmental Disabilities Reform Act, (DDRA) signed into law on June 6, 1995, created a single point of entry into services within each CDDO area.  The CDDO for each service area is responsible for determining eligibility as well as providing services, or arranging for services (through affiliates), as needed to persons with developmental disabilities.  Cowley County CDDO functions as an independent CDDO; therefore, all services are provided through affiliated service providers.  All providers in the Cowley County service area are expected to adhere to the policy of the state of Kansas to assist individuals with developmental disabilities to have:

  1. Services and supports which allow opportunities of choice to increase independence and productivity, as well as integration and inclusion in the community,
  2. Access to a range of appropriate services and supports, and
  3. The same dignity and respect as persons who do not have developmental disabilities.


To apply for services at Twin Rivers, first contact the County Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO).  The CDDO is responsible for determining eligibility in the Cowley County area.  The Cowley County CDDO Department may be reached at (620) 221-5404 or (620) 441-4504.  They are located in Winfield.